Submit before midnight (AoE) on September 30, 2024.
- Short paper (max 4 pages in LNCS Format, plus references) describing the research work, initial results, status and next steps.
- CV of the PhD candidate (1-2 pages) including a list of own previous publications (if available)
- Additional materials (videos etc.) can also be submitted by adding links to the submission PDF
- Submissions should be authored by the student only, and they do not need to be anonymized for review.
Review process
Contributions will be reviewed by a panel of experts, selected to match the topics of the contributions. In addition to quality of submission, additional factors such as expected thesis submission date (priority will be given to students with less time to completion), as well as diversity of students across research areas and institutions will also be considered. The selected contributions won’t be included in the conference proceedings but the mentors are happy to discuss further publication possibilities, based on the quality of the papers.
Accepted contributions will be presented at the ICIDS 2024 DC and receive feedback from a panel of experts. Participants must register for the conference for physical or hybrid attendance. Remote participation is possible, as ICIDS is a hybrid conference, however, physical attendance is recommended for the full experience.
ARDIN is happy to announce the availability of travel scholarships. Accepted participants can apply after acceptance by stating their need (e.g. flight ticket, accommodation) in an email to Funds are limited and the scholarships will be awarded strictly on a per-need basis.
The ICIDS 2024 Doctoral Consortium Chairs,
Hartmut Koenitz
Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden