The ICIDS 2024 Art Exhibition invites artists to submit interactive digital artworks that explore the theme of STREAMS ~ CORRIENTES, particularly its connection to water bodies and their close relationship to our lives as evoked by those that flow around Barranquilla, Colombia. This city is surrounded by different kinds of waterbodies: the Caribbean Sea, the Magdalena River, and the Mallorquín Swamp: an ecosystem where migratory species from both hemispheres mingle. In this convergence, the local links with global currents and flows of many kinds, whether material or abstract, that shape, separate, and join stories, cultures, and lives.
The theme delves into the interplay between opposing forces within water itself. Imagine the boundless expanse of an idea, ever-shifting and vast, colliding with a focused current of innovation that carves its own path. Or the tension between harnessing the current (as Heidegger describes) versus abiding and flowing with it. This exhibition explores these contrasting energies, considering how serenity can erupt into chaos, how creation can lead to destruction, and how these forces constantly reshape the landscapes they touch. At the same time that it is a destructive or powerful force, water is also a vulnerable system, subject to contamination, overuse, and pollution if taken for granted.
Beyond the physical movement of water itself, “Streams/Corrientes” can be a lens to explore the invisible currents that shape existence. Imagine a vast ecosystem, a tapestry woven from threads of energy and influence. Flows of people, data, ideas, sound, code. This exhibition invites artists to explore how these contrasting flows – the forceful and the subtle, the disruptive and the transformative – influence the movement of everything from fleeting thoughts to enduring traditions.
We encourage submissions that interweave technology and narrative to create interactive digital artworks that explore the theme of “Streams/Corrientes”. These works can navigate contrasting perspectives, inviting viewers to dive deeper into works inspired by the flow of water and other currents. We aim to draw attention to constant movement, exchange, convergences, and divergences within the various systems we inhabit and are part of. We invite artists to explore the following questions:

This year, the exhibition will take place at Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia, in conjunction with ICIDS 2024 conference. The exhibition runs from 2-6 December, with the opening taking place on December 2th (GMT).
There will be an online opening of the exhibition around the time of the conference.
Please, note, in order for ICIDS to support the most inclusive art exhibition from all over the globe, accepted artists will not have to pay registration fees for the conference.
- AR, MR and VR works
- Computer games
- Interactive installations
- Mobile and location-based works
- Screen-based computational works
- Web-based works
- Webdocs and interactive films
- Transmedia works
- Any other computer-based or rule-based system narrative works.
Artworks must be completed by the time of the exhibition, and not at the concept stage. Works-in-progress or technology demonstrations are more appropriate for the late-breaking works track and should be submitted there. Submitted works will be reviewed by a jury. Selected works will be exhibited in the exhibition space and included in the online exhibition catalog. Authors are encouraged to write an article/paper about their work to be published by Carnegie Mellon ETC Press in a ISBN-numbered volume.
Submissions should provide details of equipment needed, and specify what equipment will be provided by the artists. ICIDS is not able to provide financial assistance. The organization will attempt to provide some assistance with equipment and manpower for installation, but artists are encouraged to provide their own equipment and to be present during setup where possible. The curators will be happy to provide a reference letter to aid artists in applying for funding.
Submission of final materials for the exhibition catalog
Upon acceptance, the curators will contact the artists to discuss details of the artwork and to discuss installation requirements.
We are seeking interactive digital artworks that challenge our perceptions of the relationship between water and humanity. Imagine works that act like disruptive currents, challenging and evocative pushing the boundaries of art and technology. The selection will be based on the criteria listed below in order of priority.
ICIDS 2024 will be waiving registration fees for the selected artists. Artists must register for and are encouraged to attend ICIDS 2024 to present their work at the exhibition. The registration fee waiver is limited to a maximum of 2 artists per accepted work. Artists selected will be contacted following acceptance to offer instructions on registering for the conference for free.
Jury members may contact the artists before this if there is a need for clarification or discussion of details of the submission.
Inquiries can be directed to the art exhibition chairs via email
Gabriela Muñoz Barrios
Mark C. Marino